Emeline MOTHE

What is a psychomotor therapist?

The psychomotor therapist is a state-certified paramedical professional. Its job is to promote good psychomotor development and preserve it throughout life. When this balance is disturbed by a disorder or handicap, of physical or psychological origin, the psychomotor therapist offers physical approach sessions for rehabilitation (desire to act on a targeted difficulty) and therapy.

Some of its tools: motor courses, coordination and rhythm exercises, relaxation, body expression, concentration and planning games, sensorimotor stimulation, fine motor and graphic activities …

  • delay in psychomotor development (disturbance of motor acquisitions, prematurity, etc.)
  • maturation and tonic regulation disorders (tics, hypertonia, hypotonia, etc.)
  • body image and body image disorders (lack of body awareness and / or self-esteem)
  • laterality disorders
  • disorders of the spatio-temporal organization
  • motor and gestural awkwardness (CDT, dyspraxia)

Some specific disorders can include psychomotor disorders:

  • learning disorders (attention and executive disorders, writing disorders, etc.)
  • behavioral disorders (instability, inhibition, disturbance of social skills, etc.)
  • pervasive developmental disorders (autism, etc.)

The psychomotor notions are to be considered as intricate. Indeed, we cannot envisage the motor action without the cerebral mechanisms which accompany it (concentration, planning of the gesture…), nor the psychological impact that it will have on us (confidence, self-esteem, relational availability…) .

In short, we consider the individual as a whole.

How are we going to work?

The psychomotor assessment:

The first contact with the patient (and his family) is to perform a psychomotor assessment, which is subject to a medical prescription.

Step 1:

During the first appointment, the psychomotor therapist conducts an interview that allows a better understanding of the initial request by reviewing the life story, the different stages of its development, the difficulties encountered, behavioral peculiarities …

2nd step:

We offer different tests and tests over several sessions in order to assess the person’s level in the different psychomotor areas: body perception, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and writing, organization in space and in time, tone, laterality, maintenance of attention … in connection with cognitive and psycho-affective components.

Step 3:

The analysis of the results gives rise to an oral restitution as well as a written report.In view of the conclusions of the assessment, if necessary, we offer treatment with objectives and adapted rehabilitation devices.

There is currently no reimbursement by social security. Some mutuals can offer financial support. A request for an allowance from the Departmental House for People with Disabilities can be set up if necessary.

We work in collaboration with specialized doctors (pediatrician, child psychiatrist, neuropediatrician) as well as with professionals aware of developmental and learning disorders (speech therapists, orthoptists, occupational therapists, psychologists).