Stéphanie SARRIA

I suggest you:

Hatha Yoga classes combine postural practices: Asana, Pranayama, concentration, meditation and Yoga Nidra.

These practices involve both the mind, the physical dimension and the intelligence of the body. Each “member” of Yoga enriches the other.

Pranayama, an energetic practice, focuses on the breath and its expansion.

Asana are body movements that induce muscle building and relaxation of the whole body, but not only. Each of these movements is associated with the breath and with practices of concentration which act in depth on the mind.

Concentration is both an exercise that tames the mind and opens the way to meditation.

Yoga Nidra is often considered a deep relaxation practice, it would be more of a meditative practice. “Yoga Nidra means sleep with a trace of consciousness. It is a mental state between waking and dreaming, (…) which opens to the deep dimensions of the mind “(Swami Satyananda Sarasvati in Yoga Nidra).

More information

For any information, please contact Stéphanie SARRIA on 06 83 24 77 75

Lessons are provided

Wednesday from 20:15 p.m. to 21:45 a.m.